How Many Hinges Should a Fire Door Have?

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How Many Hinges Should a Fire Door Have?

Definition Of A Fire Door

A fire door is a door with a fire-resistance rating which is used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire and smoke between separate compartments of a structure and to enable safe egress. When the fire door is closed, it can; Stop any fire and smoke spreading. Provide a safe and protected escape route while people evacuate the building. Provide some protection for fire-fighters entering the building. Help limit the extent of damage to the building by containing any fire to the smallest area possible.


How Many Hinges Should a Fire Door Have?

The vast majority of doors in the UK are tested with 3 hinges installed. The first hinge is fitted  250mm from the top, the second hinge 250mm from the bottom and the third hinge fitted in the middle of the door. 

Please note it’s important you check the fire test evidence for your door for confirmation of fixing positions (the hinges must be installed as per the fire test evidence).

Why Are There Rules for Fire Doors?

A fire door must have fire test evidence to prove that it is a fire door. “Essential” ironmongery to be used on a fire door should have fire test evidence showing they have been tested on a similar construction of fire door.

The European standard for testing of fire doors is EN 1634 1

The British standard for testing of fire doors is BS 476 part 20-22 1987

Both EN 1634 1 and BS 476 standards are acceptable for fire door testing under Approved Document B and equivalents in UK and Ireland.

Fire rated hinges are tested with intumescent hinge pad liners fitted behind each leaf, in most cases a 1mm thick pad is required for use on FD30 rated fire doors and a 2mm thick pad is required for use on FD60 rated fire doors. It is essential these are installed, however it is important to double check the fire test evidence for your door as this can vary per manufacturer and door type.

The most common fire rated hinge sold in the UK market is the Grade 13 ball bearing hinge, however where possible we highly recommend customers install polymer / nylon bearing hinges which can take greater weights, have been tested to more cycles and do not contain any oil and require virtually no maintenance.


What Are The Fire Door Regulations and Requirements?

Buildings are split into “compartments” by fire-resisting walls, ceilings and floors. A fire door protects an opening in a fire wall and has the same level of fire resistance as the wall e.g. 30 or 60 minutes. Fire doors are found in most buildings including, new build houses, entrance doors and internal doors in flats and apartments, offices, schools, hospitals in fact any public building.  

New regulation under Article 24 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022.

As we’ve seen since the tragic events of Grenfell, fire doors play a vital role in protecting lives and it is essential they are inspected and maintained on a regular basis to ensure they perform as originally tested.

From 23 January 2023, those responsible for all multiple-occupancy residential buildings in England with storeys over 11 meters in height must: 

Undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors (including self-closing devices) in the common parts.

Undertake – on a best endeavour basis – annual checks of all flat entrance doors (including self-closing devices) that lead onto a building’s common parts.

The regulations also require responsible persons to provide their residents, of all multi-occupancy residential buildings, with information on the importance of fire doors to a building’s fire safety.


Other Ironmongery Requirements for Fire Doors

The following items of ironmongery (door hardware) are deemed as “essential” and must be CE marked or UKCA marked on any new building or any door designated as door that needs to meet fire regulations:


Other hardware and ironmongery to complete these essential products include:


If you would like advice regarding hinges or ironmongery for fire-rated doors, please feel free to contact us and one of GAI trained team will be happy to discuss various solutions for your project.