How to Make Your Kitchen Look Luxurious on a Budget

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How to Make Your Kitchen Look Luxurious on a Budget

The kitchen is undoubtedly the most important room in the house, but it is also one of the most expensive rooms to renovate. It can be a daunting task planning to touch up our kitchens knowing the hefty cost that comes along with it. However, we are here to help you make your kitchen look luxurious on a budget so you don’t break the bank. In this blog post, we'll explore six tips to help you transform your kitchen into a stylish and functional space on a low budget.




Importance of a well-designed kitchen

A well-designed kitchen is so important as it adds a sense of logical layout and space which can make your cooking experience much easier and enjoyable. A well-designed kitchen offers a range of benefits that contribute to a more efficient cooking and dining experience such as:

  • Improved organisation - By carefully crafting the design of your kitchen, you can greatly improve the organisation of every element. Storage is crucial in a kitchen, therefore, by utilising your storage areas logically and efficiently, you can create a space that provides a level of organisation to make cooking every meal a breeze. 
  • Enhanced Safety - a well-designed kitchen with proper organisation and storage solutions makes it so much easier to access and use kitchen utensils, cookers, blenders, and more, which in return, provides a safer cooking environment. 
  • Increased functionality - A well-designed kitchen can promote greater productivity and functionality by providing a more seamless cooking experience.


So How Can You Make Your Kitchen Look Luxurious on a Budget?

Do Your Research

Before making changes to your kitchen, it is always good to do some initial research to avoid running into issues down the road. Careful research and planning can allow you to potentially avoid pitfalls and make your re-design experience as seamless as possible. We recommend mapping out your vision using inspiration from online platforms such as Pinterest, creating mood boards, selecting your materials and colour scheme, plan your budget. Additionally, depending on the scale of the job,  you may want to investigate regulations and various contractors. 


Co-ordinate Colouring

Coordinating colours to make your kitchen look luxurious is so important for achieving a visually appealing and cohesive space! Depending on the design you are trying to achieve, we recommend aligning the colour scheme of the various elements in your kitchen such as countertops, cabinets, splashbacks, and more to produce a unified and harmonious space. This links back to the initial research and planning stage we had previously mentioned. If you are aware and prepared for your colour scheme, you can avoid making the mistake of purchasing the wrong colour paint and materials as you are fully prepared and decided on your overall colour scheme. 


A Fresh Lick of Paint

A fresh paint job can work wonders for the appearance of your kitchen! it is no surprise that the kitchen can get grimy very quickly with it being one of the most used areas. You could hire professional painters, or to save even more budget, we recommend to consider painting the kitchen yourself opting for light and neutral colours to create a sense of spaciousness.


Refurbish Cabinets

Many homeowners splash out and buy brand-new cabinets, which can be costly; instead, you should consider refurbishing or refacing the ones you already have. Even something as simple as sanding them down and applying a fresh coat of paint or stain to your cabinets can make a world of difference. 


Replace Handles

By incorporating new handles on your kitchen hardware, you can create the illusion of a new and sleek look. Examine the various handles in your kitchen, and if they are showing their age, consider buying new handles to transform your kitchen at a low cost. Why not check our selection of cabinet handles and cupboard knobs. Additionally, our guide to ironmongery finishes is great for comparing colours & finishes so you can make the most informed decision! 


Innovative Storage Solutions

Having an organised kitchen not only makes it look more appealing but can also provide more space. We recommend investing in low-cost storage solutions such as hanging racks, freestanding shelves, labelled countertop jars or labelled pantry containers. By incorporating affordable and creative storage solutions, they can add a sense of organisation and harmony to a kitchen. 


Improve the Lighting 

Perhaps it's time to replace outdated lights with more modern options while considering adding energy-efficient alternatives. We recommend aiming to incorporate light fixtures that align with the existing hardware already in your kitchen. By shopping around to discover deals and discounts, you could grab some stylish lights that will give your kitchen a new lease on life. 


Choose a Piece of Artwork

By adding a piece of artwork/decor to your kitchen, you can enhance the visual aesthetic and encourage a more vibrant and inviting atmosphere. Kitchens can often have a bland vibe, therefore, adding a piece of coloured artwork that aligns with the overall design of the kitchen can truly make it appear more luxurious.

Add a Splashback

Adding a stylish splashback can improve the aesthetics of your kitchen. Peel-and-stick splashback tiles are great for homeowners who are on a tight budget and are extremely easy to apply. There are countless design options out there which allow you to create a DIY splashback perfect for your kitchen's design!


Making your kitchen look new, modern, and stylish doesn’t have to be a financial nightmare. Our tips & tricks can allow your kitchen to be transformed along with careful planning and a creative flair! Get in touch with us today for all of your ironmongery needs!